FAQs for Candidates

Members hear appeals on an as-needed basis.  The time commitment varies based on several factors.  These include: the number of appeals received, the Members in each area of the Province, and whether the Member is able to be a panel chair, among others.
Members usually hear appeals in a panel of three.  One of the Members is the Panel Chair and has the primary responsibility for writing the decision.
Members are asked to set aside two hours for the hearing. Panel chairs usually spend additional time drafting and finalizing the decision. Very occasionally an appeal is dismissed; if the hearing had not yet convened, panel members are not paid for that hearing.
Hearings usually last for about two hours.  The Panel Chair spends more time drafting and finalizing the decision.  On the rare occasion an appeal is dismissed before a hearing.  When this occurs, Panel Members are not paid for that appeal.
A Panel Member receives $181.25 per hearing.  A Panel Chair receives $281.25 per hearing.
A Member may be asked to travel for a hearing.  Travel expenses are reimbursed at Provincial government rates.  Travel rarely exceeds two hours nor requires air travel.
Most hearings are held by video-conference, teleconference or in-person. Sometimes hearings are in writing.
Where possible, in-person hearings are in the appellant’s community.
Hearings are usually held within 15 days of the Tribunal receiving the Notice of Appeal.  Sometimes, the parties consent to another date.
The Tribunal provides new Members with an initial online training program.  They will also have mentors assigned.
Members are provided with ongoing training opportunities throughout their time with the Tribunal.
The Law Society of British Columbia has accredited the Tribunal’s Initial Training Program for continuing professional development credits.